Hey Poke i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHey Poke



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4, Högbergsgatan, 00150, Helsingfors, FI Finnland
kontakter telefon: +358
internet side: www.heypoke.fi
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 60.160404, Longitude: 24.946353

kommentar 5

  • en

    emaanoor choudhury


    Amazing food! Must go! Enjoy it when you get it!

  • fi

    Tuomas Salla


    Todella hauska ja hyvä palvelu! Ruoka todella hyvää! Jatkoon!!

  • sami said

    sami said


    Little gem bang in the middle of Helsinki city. The food was delicious and the staff were amazing. Pretty helpful with the describing the menu and where the ingredients are sourced. They were playin some bumpin tunes too - will definitely come here again when I'm back in Helsinki.

  • Heikki Laakkonen

    Heikki Laakkonen


    Wonderful staff, cozy atmosphere, great food.. what more could you ask for? I highly recommend the salmon poke with lanai sauce (coconut+lemon), its delicious!!

  • en

    Guy Marriott


    Best poke bowl I've ever had! Healthy, tasty and very good! It's easy to find Hey Poke in Helsinki - 12 minutes walk from the city centre, or by tram it's at the southern end of the number 10 tram route. And, it's in a nice street with antique shops and dress shops.

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