Joensuu i Joensuu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Itäranta, 80100, Joensuu, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 600 41900
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.5997504, Longitude: 29.7763504

kommentar 5

  • Juha Nurmonen

    Juha Nurmonen


    Old-fashioned style railway station. Unfortunately, most formerly active stations have become cold cases of memories and services are now offered in a ticket vending machine outside the building and online. The premises remind us of golden days of railway-based transportation in Finland. There are cafeteria services in the neighbouring building at Cafeteria Laituri.

  • fi

    Tommi Miettinen


    Oikein mukava ja hyvällä paikalla tämä Joensuun asema. Paitsi että keskusta kaukana asemasta

  • Sasha K

    Sasha K


    Not a very useful station. There is no accessibility with strollers or wheel chair on the back of the building (where trains arrive), only stairs. There were lockers at least before, but they are too small for bigger luggage. Sometimes the station is dirty. The restroom has a fee and the only snack option is a soda vending machine. At least it's right next to the buss station and within a few minutes walk from center.

  • en

    teemu ullgrén


    Miinusta huonoista aukioloista (koskee kaikkea suomea tosin) ja säilytyslokeroiden puuttumisesta. Opening times are narrow (this goes for whole Finland) and there are no lockers to leave your stuff in case you want to see the city while waiting the train and not dragging the luggage with you.

  • Tm T

    Tm T


    Beautiful small city, old wooden railway station building

nærmeste Togstation

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