Kabuki i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Lapinlahdenkatu, 00180, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 6949446
internet side: www.kabuki.fi
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Latitude: 60.1672179, Longitude: 24.9242078

kommentar 5

  • en

    Boreum Jung


    1 star would be even generous. Both food and restaurant were not hygienic. The restaurant was very stinky like dirty old oil. We ordered two sushi set, but both tuna fish went rotten already. I was not able to swallow it because of its disgusting taste. We told about it and got salmon sushi, not tuna. Also, the sushi rice was squeezed too much and the texture was like rice cake. I feel like just wasted 70 euros.

  • Esa Ryömä

    Esa Ryömä


    A bit on the pricier side, but definitely one of the best Japanese cuisine restaurants in Helsinki!

  • Sandra de Brito

    Sandra de Brito


    Good Japanese food and not only sushi.

  • Ana Pavón Calle

    Ana Pavón Calle


    Nice and cosy restaurant. We didn't try the sushi or sashimi, but the Udon noodles and the donburi rice were delicious. Food wasn't expensive at all but drinks were a little pricey. Very friendly staff and good atmosphere.

  • en

    Jens Stockmann


    Really cozy place, offered really great quality sushi for pretty fair prices. Can also recommend the Korean style BBQ, especially when you go there with a bigger group of people.

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