McDonald's i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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46, Fredrikinkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 40 8330043
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1689484, Longitude: 24.9299703

kommentar 5

  • Ivor Lee

    Ivor Lee


    If you're a tourist and don't want to talk to anyone this is the best place to get food. You can order your food from a terminal and the pick up from the counter. If you're American it might shock you to find that they charge extra for dipping sauce. Otherwise, it's good food at a good price...but it is McDonald's so don't have too high of expectations.

  • Ruvimbo Natalie Mavhiki - Hodzi

    Ruvimbo Natalie Mavhiki - Hodzi


    Good. Central. Fast service. Clean. Big

  • Barry K

    Barry K


    Typical McDonald's.... One thing that really bugs me about restaurants in Europe is that EVERYTHING.... EVERYTHING extra that you ask for comes at a price. Ordering three meals at McDonald's and asked for an extra cup with water.... . 50 euro cents.... Really? Really?! Refill on a coke.... €2.49.... As opposed to €2.90 for a new one... REALLY? REALLY?!

  • en

    pietro contu


    Among the worst services at the counter I have ever had. Very long waiting lines and employees have been unprofessional and inefficient. I do not recommend this place to anyone

  • Arijit Saha

    Arijit Saha


    Needs some clean up. and less dining space... however I visited only once, so, can't really comment if this much space is good enough to cater average footfall. Location is good. Easy to locate. Serves coffee if not interested in soda.

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