Ravintola Karl-Johan Oy i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandRavintola Karl-Johan Oy



🕗 åbningstider

21, Yrjönkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 6121121
internet side: www.ravintolakarljohan.fi
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 60.167949, Longitude: 24.9391095

kommentar 5

  • Richard Nyman

    Richard Nyman


    Food is. Excellent, service excellent place is small but in a good way.

  • Norbert Tokos

    Norbert Tokos


    Very exklusive and fine food. Friendly stuff. The interior is only a bit to simple for that price level.

  • en

    Steve Shone


    We were looking for a traditional restaurant and this restaurant was really perfect. Our waiter was informative and told us all about the menu and specialities of the restaurant. We were not rushed at all. I had the catch of the day (fish) and it was delicious and a good sized portion. The restaurant is also located in a central location which was perfect for us, as we wanted to go out afterwards. Recommended.

  • Thierry Dussuet

    Thierry Dussuet


    We waited 45min for the food. The lamb tasted awful, and it had liver (which was not mentioned in the menu). My girlfriend was also not happy with her salad. The waiter didn't seem to care.

  • Laura Mella Dominguez

    Laura Mella Dominguez


    Great food and better prices than the rest of the places nearby

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