Ravintola Manala i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandRavintola Manala



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2, Dagmarsgatan, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 58077707
internet side: www.manala.fi
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Latitude: 60.1741466, Longitude: 24.9312605

kommentar 5

  • Juha Nurmonen

    Juha Nurmonen


    Renowned restaurant, bar and event venue in Helsinki. Many university students and alumni, and other people also, remember the place for their parties. The building is old and walls decorative. The event venue is on the second floor. Downstairs there are a bar and the restaurant. One can order food to go, too. Location is excellent behind the National Museum in the building where there are other popular restaurants, too.

  • en

    Henny Lim


    If you want to see how Helsinki people end their working day or even their weekdays, the ambience is here to see and feel: light dinner or light drink should fulfill it. On certain days, musicians are playing in this cafe and the cafe itself (also the restaurant) can be very crowded. The service was not very excellent. I came on Friday evening and had to wait for circa 30 minutes (since ordering until having the food served) due to super-high load of people coming to eat and drink and enjoy the music at the same time; but the waitress was very helpful and very kindly while serving. Can be reached by walking 2-3 minutes from 9A bus stop nearby Museokatu. Absolutely recommended.

  • Alain Salesse

    Alain Salesse


    Local cuisine served in stylish surroundings. For the novelty I chose reindeer which I didn't particularly enjoy. It was rather dry, tough and tasteless. But no problem, I know not to choose it again. My friend chose the arctic char, which is similar to trout, and his dish looked really nice and he said it was delicious. Despite my poor choice, I would return.

  • Luciano Mendes

    Luciano Mendes


    Good food. The two steaks burger was really delicious. My colleagues also enjoyed the reindeer with smashed potatoes.

  • en

    Shannon Lee


    Visited this place which was recommended by our Airbnb host. Food & drinks were pretty enjoyable (overpriced though). BUT, the service was really terrible. Waited a long time to be seated. Had to go to the bar counter to get the server’s attention but even so, she barely acknowledged us. Experienced hostility when our order was taken. They got my food order wrong too even though the waitress repeated the correct item when taking our orders.

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