Fillarikellari i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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19, Annankatu, 00120, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 4394990
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1665328, Longitude: 24.9376794

kommentar 5

  • en

    Markus Konsti


    I have used the Fillarikellari online shop frequently during couple of years. They also have one store in Helsinki that I haven't visited. The online shop applies modern design of web pages that also load relatively fast. It is possible to create an account for keeping record of placed orders. For payments they use services of the Klarna payments which makes paying orders much easier. For example it is possible to order items and inspect them before you have to pay anything. Fillarikellari has a good variety of reasonable quality products to offer to customers from bicycles to spare parts and accessories. The price-quality ratio is pretty good and competitive with other shops in Finland and in EU. The most distinguishable thing is that Fillarikellari offers Shimano spare parts to internal gear hubs that so rare shops offer. If you are into saving your Shimano internal gear hubs then this store is one to look for. I usually check the offerings of Fillarikellari before checking out other services. The only thing I don't like with the online shop is that the filtering feature of products is not supporting using browser's back button. This means that user has to reset filtering options when browsing products. It is a bit frustrating to do that dozens of times. Also mobile version of the service is a bit unusable that could be easily fixed. Finally, customer service of the Fillarikellari is excellent. I've contacted personnel many times by email. Their response has been rapid and appropriate. It is easy to ask questions about their services and products. It is also possible to write reviews of products. There has been none questions I've wouldn't have an good answer. They have also posted every orders faster than you would expect. This way they can compete with other European online services well. As I mentioned I haven't got chance to visit their store in Helsinki but I'm very interested to visit there in future. I would definitely recommend Fillarikellari to others who are enthusiastic about bicycling.

  • fi

    Saara Mettala


    Yritimme asioida liikkeessä tuloksetta. Ensin (mielestämme) vapaa myyjä ohjeisti odottamaan toisen myyjän vapautumista ja häipyi sitten itse takahuoneeseen. Odotimme liikkeessä noin 15min jonka aikana liikkeeseen tuli useita muita asiakkaita eivätkä muut myyjät vapautuneet aiemmilta asiakkailta. Tässä vaiheessa ensin mainittu myyjä palasi ja alkoi palvella muita, meidän jälkeen liikkeeseen tulleita asiakkaita. Lyhyesti sanottuna - surkeaa ja ylimielistä asiakaspalvelua.

  • en

    Eva Valkovicova


    Very friendly and professional staff of the repair service. I appreciate a lot the customer friendliness and willingnes to help also in non-standard repairs of non- bike articles (pram ). I very much recommend!

  • Jaewon Lee

    Jaewon Lee


    What a Kind staff. Awesome.

  • Jacob Lärfors

    Jacob Lärfors


    Nice little shop, specialised in bicycles. Friendly staff with a nice selection of bicycles

nærmeste Cykel butik

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