XXL Sports & Outdoor Kluuvi i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandXXL Sports & Outdoor Kluuvi



🕗 åbningstider

00100 Helsinki, Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 3 06075080
internet side: www.xxl.fi
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Latitude: 60.1690443, Longitude: 24.947881

kommentar 5

  • Otso Korhonen

    Otso Korhonen


    Excellent service - the staff was very helpful about questions and went out of their way to provide relevant information.




    Nice location and great staff.

  • Danko Karabelj

    Danko Karabelj


    One of the best sports equipment stores in the world. You'll find everything there, for almost any sport you can think of. And the price range is also for any pocket. From cheap to high quality expensive stuff.

  • en



    They pretty much always have what you need when it comes to the great outdoors. Staff is very helpful and can go out of their way to give a stellar service

  • Isabel GH

    Isabel GH


    Very bad costumer service. I went with my 4 years old to get him scooter safety gear and have problems finding the items in the shelves. I asked two different salesmen who weren't​ too happy to help me. My son got bored and started to play nicely with a skateboard and the second salesman came to ask sarcastically if the skate was ours and took it from my son's hands. I was actually thinking about buying it since my son liked it so much but I was too busy trying to have my son quiet to look for the price, besides but the guy didn't even try to sell it to me. There were other kids playing/trying the sport gear but nobody said anything to them. It could be because​ we were the only non-white people in the shop. When I finally got to the cashier I had to wait in line for some time before I got my turn. Suddenly my son ran away to the exit and I went to chase him, when I came back the lady was handling a customer who was behind me on the line. When I explained that my son has special needs and that it was our turn, she just said we have to wait without the slightest empathy. Another cashier lady started working but took a customer who was even further in the line. After this experience I think I had enough of rude customer service and I'll buy from now on from online shops, which know better how to treat a customer.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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