Friends & Brgrs i Helsinki

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FinlandFriends & Brgrs



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8, Mikaelsgatan, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 44 2900034
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Latitude: 60.1696207, Longitude: 24.9452021

kommentar 5

  • en

    Derek Brereton


    Please like my review if helpful 👍 If you need a quick meal at reasonable cost in an otherwise fairly expensive city then Friends & Brgrs is just the place you need. A delicious range of burger meals to choose from. Canteen style, self service. Choose a table, study the menu, choose your option, order and pay, you are paged when your meal is ready to collect, clean up after yourself and leave. Simple, delicious, cheap and quick. Recommended!

  • Samuel Soo

    Samuel Soo


    Busy burger venue in Helsinki with some great, tender patties and one of the only places I've been to that actually bake their own buns. My only minor qualm is that the burgers themselves are woefully small, (especially for 8 - 9€), I wasn't full after eating mine and could have knocked back two or three even. The drinks are fountain-based which makes it ideal for a refill. Service is friendly and although there's a buzzer-type system for the food, it doesn't take overly long.

  • en

    Ilya Rakhlin


    Delicious burger place. The ingredients were very fresh and tasty. Simple menu with several good looking options. Fries were very good, crispy and soft on the inside, with tasty homemade dipping sauces. For vegetarians/vegans any burger could be made vegan! Aesthetic well designed space with a nice view out from the second floor, and wifi!

  • en



    When rating burger joints my bench mark is In n Out burgers in the US and *whisper * this has the edge over it because of the delicious gluten free buns! Similar kind of business model with the fresh, simple ingredients and limited selection on the menu which allows them to concentrate on producing great tasting, faff- free food. Well worth a visit if you're in Helsinki. And are gluten free.

  • Vidha Saumya

    Vidha Saumya


    Hands down superb place. It just makes you happy being in that place and looking at everyone from the customers to the staff to the cooks and chefs working in a non-rushed manner. It really relaxes you. The food is worth the 10-15 minute weight. Ain't no place in Helsinki where a chicken breast is as juicy. It really makes you feel like the food has been given respect and thereby to you, the people involved in bringing the food to you and of course great value for the money if happiness can be assigned value.

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