Holiday Inn Helsinki i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHoliday Inn Helsinki


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1, Messuaukio, 00520, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 200 48102
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Latitude: 60.2022143, Longitude: 24.937024

kommentar 5

  • Amita RajGuru

    Amita RajGuru


    Currently under construction, but it's a nice place. Good facilities, clean, and the staff are nice. Everything felt quite modern, and that'll probably improve when the renovation is over.

  • Juha Nurmonen

    Juha Nurmonen


    Have been here only as conference guest but each time very satisfied customer. The conference venues are clean, practical and include all modern technical facilities. One excellent point is that premises are joint with Helsinki Fair Center. Also catering services are professionally organised. Location just about 100 metres from Pasila Railway Station is excellent and connections to all over bigger Helsinki area are very good.

  • David Alex Lamb

    David Alex Lamb


    The room was very nice but for me the special attraction was being integrated into the giant convention centre.

  • Peter Dougherty

    Peter Dougherty


    Spent 4 nights here for a convention in August 2017. An acceptable facility with a clean, bright room, but some serious issues would prevent me from ever staying here again. Contrary to what they claim, there is *no* air conditioning. Just central air circulation (and heat for the long winters). In the summer, especially on the top floor where we stayed, the room is stifling hot at night. If you like the room cool when you sleep you're out of luck here. What's worse, the bathroom floor is heated and that can't be disabled, making the room even hotter. Again, a feature in the winter, but a bug in the humid summer months. We were in an Executive room and paid an extra price for it and I'm sorry we did. This is not worth 202€ per night. If you're coming in the warm weather months I'd suggest staying elsewhere and taking the train to the convention center until they fix these issues.

  • Karina Junker Larsen

    Karina Junker Larsen


    The hotel is perfectly located for attending events at Messukeskus, also immediate access to local trains, trams, and buses. Friendly staff speaks excellent English. Hotel room was spacious and clean, but a bit chilly, and poorly isolated against hallway noise. The breakfast buffet included gluten-free options and the full range of expected breakfast foods. We'd happily stay here again, but we'll bring thicker socks for sleeping in the cold ventilation draft.

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