Park Hotel Käpylä i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandPark Hotel Käpylä



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Pohjolankatu, 00600, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 799755
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.2167487, Longitude: 24.953336

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kåre Veigård


    Had a bad night there in may 2018....the garden in the back made it like sleeping in the birdcage of the zoo. Breakfast was not good, rooms were not very nice and just about the only positive thing about my stay was the staff.

  • Tommi Halme

    Tommi Halme


    Breakfast was awful..bread was old and coffee taste it like oil :( I couldnt get decent pillow but receptionist did her best but all the spare ones was same kind. Free spot for car was easy to find..Dont recommed this hotel. I would understand if the night would cost like 70€ but 120€ is definitely too much for this place.

  • Litta S

    Litta S


    Easy to locate the hotel. It was not easy to find parking spot. Professional reception. Room was comfortable, bathroom exceptionally small but served its purpose :p The walk to the room from reception area was NOT fun. There was no connecting elevator so we had to carry big heavy suitcases up the stairs to the small elevator outside the reception area. Overall, it was worth it!

  • Sævar Þór Halldórsson

    Sævar Þór Halldórsson


    We had 3 suitcases and a stroller, had to carry everything up the stairs and into a small elevator that only fits two bags. So a bit of an hassle. But a nice enough place, with a bar outside and fairly close to the metro and a tram stoppes right in front of the hotel that goes straight to down town Helsinki.

  • en

    Elizabeth Queen


    Very great reception. Helpful with directions even going ahead to print for me. Very freindly staff. Nice, quiet neighbourhood. Neat. Room small though for a double room.

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