Kotipizza i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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11, Porthansgatan, 00530, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 7537857
internet side: www.kotipizza.fi
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Latitude: 60.1829889, Longitude: 24.9530162

kommentar 5

  • en

    Samppa Ankka



  • Abhilash Nandeshwar

    Abhilash Nandeshwar


    Awesome Pizza always.

  • Arunkumar S

    Arunkumar S


    Pizza was good and the service is also good. But the smoke smell from the ovens made the ambiance pretty bad. Specially the taste of their Americana pizza was delicious.

  • Henry Söderlund

    Henry Söderlund


    A Finnish franchise pizzajoint that have quite decent selection of comfort food not just pizza and animal protein based food. Remarkably vegetarian menu too. Yay! Kotipizza is a legend here in Finland. It's a major pizzajoint gamer in Finland and in Nordic countries too. Their menu is rather interesting especially for dietary eating. This is something truly special for establishment that makes comfort food. I personally enjoy their vegetarian options - there aren't too many of those and they're nothing too special but I'm glad to find these from a pizzajoint. This particular venue is rather typical pizzajoint with quite decent lunchtime offers. And these offers change from time to time. If you're visiting here during lunchtime and decide to eat in they have free refills for soft drinks. This is a cozy place to visit and I recommend it if you're craving for comfort food like this. It isn't super unique but it's good.

  • Teemu Lantz

    Teemu Lantz


    Kotipizza has quite strict recipes. So in good and bad you know what you're getting from any Kotipizza restaurant. Fortunately Kotipizza recipes are pretty good.

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