Pizza Hut i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandPizza Hut



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21, Aleksanterinkatu, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 4705401
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1692144, Longitude: 24.9414733

kommentar 5

  • Niina Jensen

    Niina Jensen


    Much nicer now that they've renovated the restaurant. Friendly staff.

  • en

    Antti Moilanen


    Decent lunch buffet for the price. There's also a simple salad table.

  • Koo Dee

    Koo Dee


    Best pizza in Helsinki so far. Pizzas are really tasty and the bread is so good. Place itself is nice and clean.

  • en

    Fatima alargha


    It took them 30 mins to finally give attention to us and give us our menus , and then our pizza had three hairs on it ! And it was in the dough ... and the waitress was nice and told us that she could give us a new one but we didn't wanna eat after that. But then another waitress came to us and denied everything and kept saying " that's not hair" while the other waitress promised a discount. When we were at the cashier and asked for the discount the waitress was rude again and said "but it wasn't hair" when it was clearly a curly hair , and another lash hair !!! It wasn't a pleasant experience in general. The dirty dishes sat on our table for an hour and we they missed a lot of our order. Would not recommend

  • Henna Uslin

    Henna Uslin


    Good pizza, nice service. The ham they use is not to my liking. But it's still OK.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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