Radisson Blu Royal Hotel , Helsinki в Helsinki

ФинляндияRadisson Blu Royal Hotel , Helsinki


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2, Runebergsgatan, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 20 1234701
Веб-сайт: www.radissonblu.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.1678873, Longitude: 24.9290605

Комментарии 5

  • Helen Hanson

    Helen Hanson


    Mixed review, some areas of the room were slightly grubby. The bathroom had a nasty smell throughout our stay. The room itself smelt if a cheap air freshener. The beds and pillows were extremely comfortable. The room had all the expected amenities, kettle TV etc. The breakfast was extremely good, a large range of food, from cooked food, through to fresh fruit and veg and waffles or pancakes. You would struggle to find someone who wouldn't be pleased.

  • Shashi Subramanian

    Shashi Subramanian


    Got upgraded to the Royal Suite in my first trip to Helsinki. Lovely room. Had dinner here at their grill (lamb kebabs) which was good as well.

  • Jannat Shah

    Jannat Shah


    Service was really offbeat, have wrong directions, bad advice about the ferry to Tallinn. Just didn't feel comfortable with the staff. Room was as you would expect of a Radisson standard, though. Don't understand why it was over €300 a night, though. Probably would shop around next time. Review based on a trip in December 2016.

  • Константин Туркин

    Константин Туркин


    Impressive hotel in the very city center. Great place if you stay for business or shopping. Great breakfast is served here. You can save 33 euro on parking daily if you leave your car on the lane next to orthodox cemetery which is 10 minutes walk to the west. You can also shop food in a supermarket just opposite the hotel entrance, but would you really, Mr-White-Collar?)

  • Pablo Savva

    Pablo Savva


    I thought it was just me that had a few issues but my colleagues also did not have the best experience here. First room was a box and the lights on the building were pointing into my room so it was coming through my curtains. The mattress was wider than the frame so when I say on the bed I slipped off it. When pulling the bed open the feathers from the duvet when everywhere. I got a free upgrade to a buisness room which was nice, but the only main difference was the size. The staff were friendly enough but it didn't feel like I was entering somewhere that would be cozy, rather a place to stay. The breakfast was the best part, hands down the nicest of any Finnish hotels I have been to. Very large variety. It is spread around the room so you have to hunt down what you want but there are plenty of things to choose from.

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