Sagalunds Museistiftelse в Kemiö

ФинляндияSagalunds Museistiftelse



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7, Museotie, 25700, Kemiö, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 2 421738
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.1619303, Longitude: 22.7101489

Комментарии 5

  • Timo Tammi

    Timo Tammi


    Mielii toinen, varsinkin sairaala ,suosittelen, ruoka ainakin outo sekoitus kasviksista

  • Tom Törnqvist

    Tom Törnqvist


    Great way to get to know the history of Kimito

  • Cynde Sadler

    Cynde Sadler


    Wonderful collection of museums and coffee shop with gift shop.

  • Luise Berlin

    Luise Berlin


    A paradise for children (and their parents) - and incredibly nice staff! We spent the day at Sagalund today with our two younger children and were completely overwhelmed with everything the place had to offer. We stopped by more or less accidentally and did not expect to find such a huge place with so much to offer. We paid 7 Euros per adult (children are free) and were immediately offered a free guided tour of the whole area. While waiting for the tour we played in the little children's barn, filled with the most lovely toys (a puppet theater and lots of dress-up costumes, just to name a few) and in the children's hospital in the 1st floor of the main building. We were amazed at all the detail that had been put into the decoration, the costumes etc. Everything was arranged in such a loving and thoughtful way! For example, there were about 5 nurses/doctors costumes for children, in a somewhat antique style, which our children just loved, plus lots of genuinely old utensils such as an antique extendable children's bed, an old scale etc. all of which the children were free to play with. Our guide was about 15 min late, which was absolutely no problem because the children were completely happy playing. However, when the tour was over, both children got a present from the shop as compensation for the delay, even when we insisted this was absolutely not necessary! The tour, by the way, was very good, even though the woman who gave it was not an experienced guide. I totally recommend taking a tour because some of the houses (the old school!) are locked otherwise. The buildings are wonderful. You get to visit two schools from different eras, several authentic houses from 1920 and the 1960s, a barn and, the highlight to the children, a tiny pavilion with toys for children. All lovingly assembled with many antique toys the children can play with, with apparently no fear of anything getting stolen or broken. My husband and I had a lovely time relaxing on the beautiful meadow underneath the apple trees while the children were exploring the barn. We also had lunch at Café Adele and liked it very much. There is a little buffet with one dish of the day (very tasty!), salad, rice, potatoes, bread etc. Also coffee and good cookies. All for 9 Euros per adult, 6,50 Euros per child. Many locals ate there or had coffee, which we took as a good sign. Lastly, the museum shop offers a ton of quaint and lovely toys for children and little souvenirs which are hard to find elsewhere. All in all, a wonderful place, well worth a days visit!

  • Mike Heath

    Mike Heath


    A very enjoyable indoor and outdoor museum. Amazingly few visitors on the day we visited. It would help with a bit more English.


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