Pizza Hut i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandPizza Hut



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65, Fredrikinkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 4705402
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1691297, Longitude: 24.9305964

kommentar 5

  • Niina Jensen

    Niina Jensen


    This Pizza Hut is very conveniently located next to the Finnkino Tennispalatsi cinema. They make good, typical Pizza Hut food. You can also buy pizza slices to take away. The staff is nice and friendly.

  • en

    Tatu Mäkelä


    Visited here for pizza. Waiter told me to have a seat and they'd bring me the menu shortly. After waiting for the menu for 20+ minutes I decided to leave. Luckily there was a small pizza place nearby with better service so I didn't go hungry

  • Frida Viibus Lundgren

    Frida Viibus Lundgren


    Four different pizzas. Tasted perfectly Pizza Hut. We had to tell the staff that there were no coffe or milk. But they delivered quickly. For a family of five the free WiFi calmed down the lunch :-)

  • en

    Mikael Peltomäki


    Food quality and variety in the salad buffet is clearly decreasing every time I visit. Used to be great, now just not worth of it. Charging 3€ extra just for soft drinks included in the buffet is atrocious too.. They used to be included in the buffet price few years ago.

  • Mike Emery

    Mike Emery


    Pizza Hut should be a sufficiently well known brand by now. You know exactly what you're going to get - it's reasonable food at a reasonable price. Nothing exceptional, nothing to complain about either. Good location, perfect for pre- or post- cinema eating.

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