Robert's Coffee i Helsinki

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FinlandRobert's Coffee



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52 A, Aleksanterinkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 1213759
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1685154, Longitude: 24.9413995

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ramunė Vaičiulytė


    If you come often to Helsinki and Finland, you know that Finish roast coffee and have their own brand Paulig, but don't know how to make good coffee. So be ready in the morning in hotels to drink dark water, but not coffee. But Robert's coffee will rescue you! Here you can find any type of coffee and also delicious snacks, salads, cakes. Leave bad coffee in hotel, come to enjoy real coffee to Robert's coffee. :)

  • Igors Kasjanovs

    Igors Kasjanovs


    Centrally located, a small place designated mostly for take-away purpose. However, I have been fortunate enough to find a place to sit down every time I came here. Otherwise general Robert's Coffee stuff.

  • Eva Andreakou

    Eva Andreakou


    Excellent coffee (they serve cold latte too), great sandwiches and a perfect view to the street from the large window. ➕ it has wifi!!

  • en



    Very beatiful location..and very beautiful seating in door and out door

  • Paula R

    Paula R


    Delicious, good service and amazing vibe. The interior design makes it worth it to visit. The beverages are served with a pretty and unique design in the foam.

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