Café Köket i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandCafé Köket



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28, Aleksanterinkatu, 00170, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 44 0127707
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1689105, Longitude: 24.9514154

kommentar 5

  • Jarmo Tuominiemi

    Jarmo Tuominiemi


    Cozy atmosphere. Service would need a bit of optimization to make it more effective.

  • Eddy Darell

    Eddy Darell


    Very good food but misses the last star for lack of options to choose from on the brunch buffet and because of the price. All in all a well located, cozy café.

  • en

    Alice Gossrau


    A little bit hidden, but very central and cute cafe. We went for brunch to find out they only had a reduced menu for the Christmas days. A bit disappointing. Cake and croissant were at least a day old but ok.

  • Daniel Villanueva Raisman

    Daniel Villanueva Raisman


    Very cozy place with tasty coffee and good desserts. The prices are reasonable for Helsinki and it remains open despite most places being closed. It was great, would recommend it.

  • Mina Trandafilovski

    Mina Trandafilovski


    I only went here as it was the only thing that was open on Good Friday in Helsinki. The place is cute - there are 2 whole floors for seating. There is free and open wifi. The only downside is that the place is definitely more of the pricey side. I paid 3€ for a regular coffee, with nothing in it, from a thermos. There's nothing really special about this place.

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