Cafe Metro i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandCafe Metro



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14, Berggatan, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 40 7208772
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Latitude: 60.1716774, Longitude: 24.9470615

kommentar 5

  • Arto Heimonen

    Arto Heimonen


    Kahvi hyvä tietää on vielä tarvitaan ainakin pulla.

  • Hessu Timonen

    Hessu Timonen


    Nopea palvelu, kohtuullisen hyvä hinta/laatu mutta ei mitenkään päätä huimaava.

  • Pertti Pyhtilä

    Pertti Pyhtilä


    Erinomaiset ja edulliset sämpylät, kotiruokaa - ja ystävällistä palvelua "Helsingin yliopiston" (Kaisaniemen) metron portaiden yläpäässä.

  • tahira plans

    tahira plans


    This cafe feels really like a hidden gem in Helsinki. The staff is always friendly and coffee & pastries are well worth the money. I can highly recommend this place. If you want to spend a relaxing moment during a busy day, then this is your place! 😊

  • Henry Söderlund

    Henry Söderlund


    This is a splendid place to have a regular coffee or lunch. Their prices are reasonable and even cheap compared to franchising cafeterias nearby. Sure they don't have fancy latte coffees or nice wrappings on their products but the service is golden here. Everything is homemade and so is the service which feels really homelike. I strongly recommend to visit here during lunch hours when you can get decent Finnish lunch between 7 - 10 Euros depending what you eat. Lunch cuisine here is really traditional like smashed potatoes and meatballs, pea soup and something like that. People working here aren't native Finns which is a bit peculiar at first giving you the fact that they serve traditional Finnish pastries and sandwiches. At first glance this place isn't for fancy pants but if you're willing to come over your strange fear of new places you'll find one of the most pleasant cafeterias that still give you really great price to quality paired with kind service.

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