Steam Coffee i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandSteam Coffee



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3, Kaisaniemenkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 44 0660987
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Latitude: 60.1711639, Longitude: 24.9472394

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bill Feist


    Great coffee. Nice atmosphere. Friendly service. Clean

  • Kati Ilomäki

    Kati Ilomäki


    spaceous...maybe little too spaceous

  • Samwel Nyangala

    Samwel Nyangala


    Lovely place to hang out. I loved especially the fact that they have the somewhat 'silent' area where one can read a book or work on your computer away from the crowd

  • Johannes Matintupa

    Johannes Matintupa


    Bakery seems to be coming from deep freeze and unfortunately you can taste it through. Nice location though.

  • Henry Söderlund

    Henry Söderlund


    A simple and rather spacious cafeteria that has remarkable selection of all sort of pastries and other related products. The back end of this establishment is a lot quieter than area near entrance that easily gets a bit too noisy. Price to quality is a bit expensive side for my personal budget. Regular drip coffee cost 3 Euros and pastries are from 3 Euros to really remarkably expensive. Special gentrification coffees cost around 4-6 Euros depending how gentrification you want to have your stimulative beverages. And yet this is cheaper than other gentrification cafeterias in generally this area. Atmosphere is a bit noisy around the entrance area which is remarkably big indeed. The back end of this establishment has a lot quieter area. This back area has quite many tables to sit down too so it's quite easy to find a free table from this cafeteria even at busy hours. This cafeteria is famous among various enthusiast. These people are usually meeting is this cafeteria and are quite easy to distinguish from regular people. These enthusiasts usually have similarities among themselves. Overall this cafeteria is ok place to visit but it's a tad expensive. Location of venue is grand which is the main reason why it's quite expensive. This establishment is next to metro station and other important traffic conjunctions. Even though this is a gentrification cafeteria it's not as bad as some of the nearby cafeterias. So I recommend this more than those francaising cafeterias.

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