Cafe Aalto i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandCafe Aalto



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39, Pohjoisesplanadi, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 1214446
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Latitude: 60.1678142, Longitude: 24.9434495

kommentar 5

  • Arnis Ludboržs

    Arnis Ludboržs


    Excellent place! Friendly staff. Very well thought-through menu. Just try "Poets' breakfast", and you will get inspired to... write a poem.

  • en

    Timo Hongisto


    Expensive café and there isn't vegan foods available. They serve in tables and service is good.

  • Juan M. Domingo

    Juan M. Domingo


    Elegant and nice coffee shop surrounded by books.

  • SSa Lala

    SSa Lala


    Another great place to see work of Alvar Aalto while having a cup of coffee. Natural light penetrates through interesting looking skylight designed by Alvar Aalto. The latte I had was the best one in Finland and was served in a super big cup. They serve food here, and because it's within the bookstore, mostly it's quiet unless invited authors come and give lectures on a special occasion. I learned that the cafe sells Aalto cup but there was no sign so after I learned it, I went back again just to buy the cup. Staff don't smile, so I felt a bit embarrassed but once they start talking, they are sweetest ppl. I loved the unusual scales of chairs and tables which were smaller than the normal sizes and they look so cute with small flowers on the table. So then it was funny I was more careful and cautious when just sitting there! Lot of Japanese tourists and sometimes no place to sit. But it opens till 9pm and when it's after 7pm I found it v nice and quiet.

  • Jonathan Heeb

    Jonathan Heeb


    Friendly table service, simple but good menu. Not too crowded

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